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Fake Blood
Heart Attack Man Fake Blood Punk Rock Theory
Friday, March 1, 2019 - 19:02
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Cleveland OH's Heart Attack Man will release their sophomore LP 'Fake Blood' on April 19 via You Did This/Triple Crown Records.

Heart Attack Man has also just released a music video for "Fake Blood" which finds frontman Eric Egan undergoing a strange medical experiment in a secret lab, which leads to much rocking-- until things go awry....

Known to many through their shrewdly clever use of social media (which prompted writer James Shotwell to write a think piece titled 'What Artists Can Learn From The Marketing Genius of Heart Attack Man'), the band's indie-leaning power-pop is a hefty concoction of grungy guitars and steady hooks which should appeal to fans of FIDLAR, SWMRS, Rozwell Kid, Weezer and Joyce Manor.

Track listing:

  1. Fake Blood
  2. Blood Blister
  3. Low Hanging Fruit
  4. Out For Blood
  5. Rats In A Bucket
  6. Moths In A Lampshade
  7. Cut My Losses
  8. Crisis Actor
  9. Asking For It
  10. Sugar Coated
  11. The Choking Game