
One of my favorite new bands that I stumbled across this year was Philadelphia's Fire In The Radio. Well, actually I didn't just stumble. They completely floored me with their new EP. If you haven't already heard "New Air", do yourself a favor and check it out right now. Seriously. Right now. It's like The Menzingers and Beach Slang had a baby, asked Bob Mould to be the godfather and then raised the kid on the best grunge, punk and shoegaze albums until these completely badass songs started coming out. Is this making any sense? Probably not. Just know that Fire In The Radio will be playing Fest this year and that your weekend will become better if you put them on your list.
PRT: What’s your favorite Fest memory?
Watching Dillinger Four last year on a beautiful and warm October evening. It definitely felt like “summer in October."
PRT: Most random thing to ever happen at Fest?
Using the restroom, a drummer from another band looks over and says “hey, didn’t we play with you guys in Toronto last spring.” Fest is a place for random restroom reunions.
PRT: Fest bands play house shows, parking lot shows and hotel room shows. What's the most outrageous place where you ever played a show?
There was a jail in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. It was built in the 1870s and it was rumored to have significant paranormal activity. They started doing shows there and two of us in this band played there with prior bands. The sound in the jail left something to be desired, but it was nevertheless memorable.
PRT: And on that same note… where would you never want to play?
The White House. No need to rescind the invitation Mr. Trump.
PRT: Top three things that are part of your Fest survival kit?
Extra socks, zinc, and ear plugs. And try to keep everything dry except the drinks.
PRT: Best thing about Fest?
Being invited to play Fest and be part it is very special for us. Fest is about making new friends and seeing old ones, while screaming your lungs out at shows. The whole vibe around Fest makes it a great weekend to look forward to all year. We’re deeply appreciative to all the volunteers who make it a great experience.
PRT: Name one thing Fest is missing?
The Fest has grown into such an amazing time it’s hard to say there’s room for any improvement. Perhaps more outdoor venues where the younger or less known bands can get broader exposure.
PRT: Best place to get something to eat and/or drink?
Emilano’s Café. Get the ropa vieja. You’ll thank us later.
PRT: What should people do in Gainesville when not checking bands at Fest?
Given recent events, we’re going to take the penny tour of Tom Petty’s old haunts. See the “Petty Tree” on the UF campus, swing by the old Mudcrutch farm, pm us if you want to hang.
PRT: Why should people come see your band out of the zillion other bands at Fest?
Because we are literally going to set ourselves on fire during the set. Like, literally. We’ll maybe not literally, but figuratively. We are figuratively going to set ourselves on fire during our set. How many bands will show that level of commitment? It’s going to be amazing.
PRT: Next to a zillion bands, Fest wrestling is also a thing. If you would join them, what would be your wrestling nickname?
If you put our band name in here (https://wrestlingname.com/) apparently our wrestling moniquer is Napalm Armstrong. Try yours. It’s hours of entertainment.
PRT: What are some of the bands you are stoked about seeing yourself?
Not sure if it will be possible to catch them all, but Against Me!, Superchunk, Rainer Maria, Snapcase, Grade, Football, Etc., Atom and His Package, Rebuilder, Dead Bars, Iron Chic, Bigwig, Beach Slang, Iron Reagan, the list goes on.