Movie Reviews

Following 2010’s “Greenberg”, “While We’re Young” marks writer/director Noah Baumbach’s second collaboration with Ben Stiller and it’s another one worth watching.
Stiller stars as Josh, a documentary maker who has been trying to finish his latest film for years but fails to succeed because he basically still has no idea what he wants it to be about. Together with his wife Cornelia (Naomi Watts), they are heading for middle age. While their friends are unable to talk about anything but their children, Josh and Cornelia remain childless and most of their conversations revolve around subjects like whether or not they’ve used the correct bulb in their bedside light.
Things change however when they become friends with a young hipster couple, Jamie (Adam Driver) and Darby (Amanda Seyfried). All of a sudden things feel exciting again and life seems to be full of opportunities that ask to be seized. But is it really all that they want it to be?
Armed with a solid cast and some funny jabs at the hipster life, “While We’re Young” is a decent enough dramedy and Baumbach’s most accessible movie to date.