Album Reviews

Graham Cracker EP
AVEM Graham Cracker Punk Rock Theory
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 12:17
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Last month, Canada’s AVEM took to the skies again with the surprise release of the new 6-song ‘Graham Cracker’ EP, named after guitarist Ernie’s father, Graham Moore. Not only is Graham largely responsible for AVEM’s love for birds, he also penned the lyrics for this new hatch… erm, batch of songs. Little piece of trivia: the band recorded the songs in secret for a Father’s Day release as a thank you to Graham for developing and supporting their passions in birds, music and life. Aww, shucks… that’s cool, right?

Even cooler are the songs themselves. They kick things off with ‘Flock Off,’ a harmony-filled pop-punk tune that rivals the band’s best songs on their debut album, ‘Three Birds Stoned’.  Next up are the poppy ‘Wood For My Woodpecker’, the bouncy ‘Bird Perv’ and the synth-enhanced ‘Gulls’. Yes, all of the band’s songs are about birds. As far as shticks go, it’s one that works. Especially when you have the songs to back it up. And boy, does AVEM have the songs! ‘Dining At The Dumps’ is another pop gem with killer melodies alongside the band’s patented harmonies. And clocking in at 4 minutes, ‘Martha’ is an epic tale about pigeons.

Do you like to wax poetic about the olden days of Lookout! Records and Fat Wreck Chords? AVEM is the band you need to check out.


Graham Cracker track listing:

  1. Flock Off
  2. Wood For My Woodpecker
  3. Bird Perv
  4. Gulls
  5. Dining At The Dump
  6. Martha


Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.
