Album Reviews

Four years after “Symptoms + Cures”, Comeback Kid is back once again with a new album called “Die Knowing”. Rather than trying to recapture what made them one of the biggest names in the hardcore scene to begin with, these guys are continually trying to push the envelope. So instead of simply rehashing “Turn It Around” or “Waking The Dead” time and time again, Andrew Neufeld and co combined everything you love about them live on this album and then proceeded by upping the intensity a notch or two.
The title track sneaks in quietly before building up to something that will set any moshpit ablaze. “Lower The Line” and “Wasted Arrows” are up next and come with downright thrashy riffs, crushing breakdowns and some kickass singalong parts before the band settles in more of a mid-tempo groove with “Should Know Better”… still intense as fuck though.
From there on, the band just keeps on crushing it with the old-school flavor of “Somewhere In This Miserable…”, the punky “Beyond” and the more atmospheric “Unconditional”. They bring in former vocalist Scott Wade on “Full Swing” and together Wade and Neufeld put any battle in The Voice to shame when it comes to intensity.
Comeback Kid always seem to take their time when it comes to releasing a new album, but listening to “Die Knowing” you quickly find out that it’s been well worth the wait.