Album Reviews

Fans of the Crime In Stereo that released “The Troubled Stateside” probably already gave up on these guys after the release of “Crime In Stereo Is Dead”. It saw the band ditching its Lifetimesque hardcore sound, instead going for something more expansive and experimental. “I Was Trying To Describe You To Someon” sees the band wandering off even more into that direction. Most of the time you’d even be hard-pressed to still call these guys hardcore. Opener “Queue Moderns” immediately sets the tone with a lone rhythm, ethereal vocals and a spacey atmosphere before launching into a hardcore bit that piles layers and layers of noise on top of each other only to then come to a sudden halt. And then it’s on to even more surprising yet amazing songs such as “Not Dead” and “Odalisque”. Older fans will have to wait all the way until closer “I Cannot Answer You Tonight” kicks in to recognize the Crime In Stereo they fell in love with in the first place. Other than that these dudes deal in rock songs disguised as post-hardcore anthems that I could very well see a band like Brand New play as well. And that’s pretty much the closest I can get to describing this to someone… powerful and hauntingly beautiful!