Album Reviews

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Dinosaur Jr’s “Where You Been” and in order to celebrate the occasion, Garrett Klahn (Texas Is The Reason, Solea) and Sergie Loobkoff (Samiam, Solea, Knapsack) thought it would be a fun idea to cover the entire album. But what started out as a simple bedroom recording-type arrangement between the two of them, ended up being something else entirely with a cast including Ed Breckenridge (Thrice), Roger Camero (No Motiv, Peace’d Out) and vocal appearances by Klahn, Jason Beebout (Samiam), Blair Sheehan (Knapsack, The Jealous Sound), Karl Larsson (Last Days Of April), Dave Warsop (Suedehead, Beat Union) and keys courtesy of Steve Choi (RX Bandits, Peace’d Out). In other words, members of some of my favorite bands playing Dinosaur Jr songs together… how bad can that be?
They stay true to the originals because… well, why would you want to change songs like opener “Out There” or “Start Choppin’”? They do a solid job and you can just hear them having fun with the material. If you listen closely, you can even hear Choi’s dog barking on the beautiful “Not The Same”.