Album Reviews

I just read an article in the paper this morning that said we are running out of antidote for snake bites. Which is bad news for people listening to “Blossom”, because Frank Carter and his Rattlesnakes bite like a motherfucker. Yup, Frank is pissed off again. And damn, it sounds good!
Opening track “Juggernaut” will rip your head clean off, but not before you’ve heard Frank scream the line ‘even on my own, you can’t stop me’. That’s probably true, but why would we want to? We’d miss out on the swagger of “Devil Inside Me” and the hostile blues ballad that is “I Hate You” and we wouldn’t be able to go apeshit as “Fangs” bursts out of the speakers.
Yet despite being heavy and raw as fuck, there’s always a melody floating around somewhere in these songs. Sure, sometimes it’s well hidden beneath all the bile being slung your way, but trust me… it’s there. I wouldn’t go as far as calling any of these songs pretty though, because every single one of them could kick my ass. Like I said… Frank is pissed off again. And damn, it sounds good!