Album Reviews

North by Southwest
Let Me Downs North by Southwest Punk Rock Theory
Thursday, March 20, 2025 - 20:08
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‘North by Southwest,’ available since January 23, 2025, is the newest release from Let Me Downs, a punk trio from Washington state, published by Felony Records. North by Southwest comes in at just over half an hour, 10 tracks, and is… pretty good! 

The record is mostly emo-tinged skater punk with big full catchy guitar riffs, in your face drums, and, frankly divine bass work supporting some fun rough vocal harmonizing between two singers. I’d be remiss if I didn’t reiterate here: the bass work on this album is tremendous, love it, gimme more! 

The record leans on the personal side, mostly focusing on homesickness, wistful feelings, and emotional struggles with a fun little Gin Blossoms cover and even a Rocky Balboa quote thrown in because hell, why not?

It’s punk, it’s fun, but it’s not wildly memorable or impactful. Nothing wrong with that in a record, but it does mean it struggles to distinguish itself. The record is at its best with “Home Sweet Home” and “Broken Promises,” both of which rule.


North By Southwest tracklist:

  1. Broken Promises
  2. Boulder
  3. Home Sweet Home
  4. Drowning
  5. Hey Jealousy
  6. 3 AM
  7. My One Regret
  8. SSDD
  9. I’ll Be Fine
  10. One More Round


Lee Clark
Lee Clark

Once described as "a gas station philosopher trapped in a pop punk drummer's body," Lee enjoys thinking and writing about music outside of his creative and intellectual grasp!