Album Reviews
Make Do And Mend - Bodies Of Water

As fun as it is to get a new album by a band you already like, it’s way more fulfilling to get a release from a band you’ve never heard of that completely blows you away. Enter Make Do And Mend did with “Bodies Of Water”. These dudes originally released this 6-song EP for free earlier this year through the internet. But then the people over at Panic Records scooped this baby up and provided it with an official release.
Imagine a band that likes their post-hardcore as melodic as they like it powerful while combining the gruff vocals that Hot Water Music is known for with the explosive nature of The Lonely Kings. Throw in a fair bit of No Motiv when you’re referring to the mellower moments on this release and you can see the potential, right?
Make a mental note of this band and when March 31st comes around and you just cashed in your paycheck, don’t forget to pick up your copy of “Bodies Of Water”. You won’t regret it!