Album Reviews

Just last year, Philadelphia-based band No Thank You released their debut album, ‘Jump Ship’. That doesn’t stop them from already being back with ‘All It Takes To Ruin It All,’ a raw and very honest album written in the wake of the death of vocalist Kaytee Della-Monica’s father.
Bordering between indie pop and heavier 90ies-inspired rock, the ten songs that make up ‘All It Takes To Ruin It All’ find Della-Monica and the rest of the band moving through the different stages of grief, sounding resigned one second, sonically dense and distraught the next. All of the songs have a kind of stream-of-consciousness type thing going on as well. If you manage to spot a hook or a chorus, you can be relatively sure it won’t make a second appearance in the song. Some of the songs aren’t even long enough for a second appearance of anything. It may not make ‘All It Takes To Ruin It All’ the easiest album to listen to, but it is most definitely cathartic.
Track listing:
- Furrowed Brows
- Cubic Zirconia
- Dash
- Branch Doubt
- New England Patriots
- Hell Bent
- Limitlessly Cheap
- Outdoor Cat
- Veranda
- Space To Grieve