Album Reviews

Featuring members of Landmines, The Effort and Choke Up among others, Boston’s The Promised End come out swinging with debut album ‘For The Buried And The Broken,’ out now on Sound Investement Records (North America) and Gunner Records (Europe).
The album boasts ten cuts worth of melodic hardcore that simultaneously pay tribute to 80’s thrash, early American hardcore and Youth Crew. What that sounds like? Urgent, aggressive, in your face, but also packed with melodic hooks and choruses that beg to be sung along to. There are traces of Set Your Goals, ‘Turn It Around’ era Comeback Kid and hell, even some Anthrax, along with a whole lot of awesomeness.
The Promised End describe their music as ‘misery-soaked’, but contrary to what that might lend you to believe, ‘For The Buried And The Broken’ is a guaranteed good time that comes with an instant sense of familiarity.