Album Reviews

- by Nate Hennon
The Shell Corporation’s long-awaited new album, "Fucked", comes at an apt time. The Shell Corporation's sarcasm and criticism of conservatism in America echo punk songs from the 80's and 00's. By quoting phrases from hard-right commentators and inserting highly conservative ideas into their verses, The Shell Corporation's "use their own words against them" approach to songwriting is both off-putting and satisfying.
Throughout the 12-songs, "Fucked" proves The Shell Corporation is capable of mixing hard-hitting lyrics with digestible punk music. In the past, I have found the politically charged punk song to be deep in content but almost unlistenable. But Rise Against and Anti-Flag broke the mold and decided to package their content with some pop sensibility. I feel "Fucked" is in the same camp as these bands. I like their message, but I enjoy their songs. It's a hard balance to strike, but when a band nails it, it is worth applauding.
Track listing:
- Kumbaya
- Make It Rain
- Not Funny
- Waters
- Rooftops
- All Down To Me
- Cold Reason
- Von Braun
- Fighting For
- Poor Devils
- They Live
- One Last Thing