Album Reviews

Let’s get ready to rumbleeeeeeee! “Chemistry Of Consciousness” is the name of Toxic Holocaust’s latest album and just like the hideous cover art, the songs on here are one big throwback to the heydays of 80s thrash and about as relevant as Hulk Hogan. Let’s face it, Joel Grind and his haircut both would have been happier if they had been young in the 80s. Back then he would’ve basked in the admiration of men with mullets right alongside Sodom, Slayer, Exodus,… In 2013 however you can hardly call this original or innovative. But who cares, right?
After all, Mr. Grind does have a knack for writing thrash riffs and it all sounds pretty damn authentic and just plain fun… you gotta at least hand him that. Plus he doesn’t wear out his welcome with eleven ditties in 28 minutes. Opener “Silence” is anything but quiet as it kicks in the door, “Rat Eater” is one of the longer songs on the album and comes with a wicked intro before turning into an all-out thrash assault and “Deny The Truth” will kick your ass with its mid-tempo rumbling. And then there’s the title track with plenty of tempo changes and sweet riffage… pretty much exactly what you want from a Toxic Holocaust song. I would however have liked to hear Mr. Grind mix it up a little vocal-wise… I mean, the guy has a nasty bark but a little more variation would’ve been a good thing.
Anyway, if you’re looking to do some serious damage to your neck muscles while having a good time, “Chemistry Of Consciousness” will satisfy all of your headbanging needs.