Movie Reviews

When Bruce Lee wasn’t busy looking like a badass in a yellow tracksuit, he apparently spent quite some time writing. Fast forward a couple of decades and those writings have been transformed - courtesy of Justin ‘Fast & Furious’ Lin and Cinemax - into a new TV show called ‘Warrior’.
Set in the the nearly lawless city of San Francisco in 1878, ‘Warrior’ centers around Ah Sahm (Andrew Koji), fresh off the boat and as good at speaking English as he is at handing people’s asses to them. As Ah Sahm figures out how to deal with the gangs that rule over the city’s Chinese community, he is also searching for someone. That search ends up in an unexpected place and guess what? It leads to even more complications and fisticuffs.
Sure, you could draw parallels with today’s political climate where politicians use race to divide and pursue their greedy goals. But honestly, this show isn’t really about that. ‘Warrior’ is an action-packed show that’s best described as Peaky Blinders with Chinese immigrants. There are moments where it almost buckles under the weight of its own ambitions and things get a bit repetitive towards the season’s second half, but overall ‘Warrior’ is enjoyable, fast-paced and glossy to keep you entertained.