Album Reviews

After having spent time kicking around the UK DIY scene playing in bands like Maths, Ducking Punches and Manbearpig, Cal Hudson (guitar, vocals), Alfie Adams (drums) and Sophie Porter (bass, vocals) have now released their debut album as Other Half through Venn Records.
‘Big Twenty’ comes at you relentlessly with a whopping fourteen songs that snake their way through post-hardcore and noise rock territory with the occasional sidestep to post-punk. Along the way they pay tribute to everyone from Archers of Loaf, Fugazi and Hot Snakes while also reminding you of acts like Drug Church and Metz. The result? Loud and abrasive songs that go down surprisingly well because the trio seems unable not to smuggle in at least some semblance of melody in every song while reimagining first-hand experiences where they saw friends lose themselves to nostalgia, drugs and depression.
Track listing:
- Karaoke
- Sameness Without End
- White Worm
- Slow Cinema
- Trance State
- Big Wheel
- Brain Food
- Tiny Head
- Piggish Man
- Building The Brand
- Heads Go Soft
- Cosmic Slop
- Sticks At The Sides
- Community Spirit