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The rock ‘n rollers from the Pacific Northwest THE DROWNS have announced their new EP “Lunatics” and released a video for the first single “Live Like Yer Dyin.” “Lunatics” is the follow-up to the band’s recently released 7” “Know Who You Are” and their previous full-length “Under Tension.” For “Lunatics,” The Drowns once again got back into the studio with producer Ted Hutt (The Gaslight Anthem, Dropkick Murphys, The Bouncing Souls) to re-capture the magic they created for “Under Tension.”
“Lunatics” showcases incredible growth in The Drowns’ songwriting - revealing an array of influences the band has not showcased in their prior releases.
“We are huge fans of 50s rock n roll and boogie-woogie, which I think you can hear in our other albums. We also love 70s Glam and Bovver Rock. We always wear our influences on our sleeve, and we really wanted to push that forward with this recording,” adds Rev. Not only are these influences more prevalent than ever, but the themes in the band’s songs also ring loud and clear.
For example, “Tokyo Red Alert” is based on an audio diary of when the band was caught in Typhoon Hagibis while staying in Tokyo. “She’s The Knife” is a song Rev wrote for his wife after she got off a 12-hour nursing shift and got cat-called on her way home.
The band’s relentless spirit and work ethic couldn’t be broken either. Their LP “Under Tension” was set to propel the band to new heights but the album was released 3 weeks before the pandemic struck which canceled all of their plans. “We were obviously disappointed that we couldn’t push an album like “Under Tension” as much as it deserved, but in this weird way, the album was there for people when they needed it during the pandemic. It became this underground loved record that really seemed to help people when they need it most, which is really why we make records,” says Rev.
Although spread out, the band stayed in constant contact and sent parts back and forth to each other. It’s a testament to their work ethic and resourcefulness which they pride themselves on.