Album Reviews

15 Years after their last album, Rebuke lay out a tale of a world gone off-course and the universal anxiety that is the result on their most ambitious album to date, ‘Things One Shouldn’t Have To Say.’
Yes, this is a concept album. No, don’t let that scare you off.A whopping five years were spent working on an even whoppier total of 18 songs. But seeing as the band trimmed down all the fat, the album clocks in at a mere 35 minutes. That is plenty though seeing as half an hour of relentless energy, frantic riffs and thunderous drums, reminiscent of A Wilhelm Scream, Belvedere and Cigar, is all I can handle before needing to come up for air.
There is so much going on all the time and at blistering speeds, that ‘Things One Shouldn’t Have To Say’ is quite a lot to take in. Luckily, it’s mostly good. The only qualm I have with the album are the vocals, which aren’t quite up to par with the rest of Rebuke’s output. Other than that though, you can tell that a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into these songs and if technical, lightning-fast punkrock is your cup of tea, then you’ll find there is a lot to like on ‘Things One Shouldn’t Have To Say’.
Things One Shouldn't Have To Say tracklist:
- Things We Shouldn’t Have to Say
- Head- & Tailspin
- UNO Reverse Card
- Brag Rhetorics
- Jordrew Peterfield
- Sharp Left Turn (The Trolley Problem)
- History III: Elective Dungarees
- The First Commercial Time Traveler
- Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism
- touromanticsuck
- Mean Boys’ Stupid Boys’ Club
- The People’s Technopiate Crisis
- One E Four (Peasants’ Revolt)
- Plain Ice
- Aurora Borealis?! At This Time of Year?
- Octopus Hair
- Baby Bathwater
- A Father’s Child