
Cruel Hand is a relatively new band even though some of its members already did time in Outbreak. Expect some very solid hardcore which you can now check out on their Bridge Nine debut "Prying Eyes". Here's an email interview we did with vocalist Christ!
PRT: Who are you and what would you like to tell our readers about yourself?
Chris: My name is Chris and i'm the vocalist for Cruel Hand.
PRT: For the people out there who haven't heard Cruel Hand yet... if Cruel Hand was the lovechild of two other bands, which acts would've had sex and which position were you conceived in?
Chris: Cruel Hand is the lovechild of Sledge and On the Outside and was conceived doggystyle after the magnum broke.
PRT: You're all from Maine which I really only know as the place where all the Stephen King novels take place. What's the scene like over there?
Chris: the scene here is very scary, much like a Stephen King novel actually. there's a crazy clown that's always around killing off the hardcore kids. he brings a dog along with him and when they get you they bury you where the ground is sour and you come back to life except you want to kill. don't go down that road.
PRT: Three of you also play in Outbreak but I read that Cruel Hand is now the main priority for you. When did you decide to pull a Figure Four/Comeback Kid?
Chris: this happened in august but had been brewing for sometime. things had really plateaued, in every aspect band wise: writing, touring, earnings, performing, etc. we needed something fresh badly so we decided cut off some of that dead weight and do the band full time.
PRT: You all played different instruments in Outbreak. How come you all switched places in Cruel Hand? Is that a good way to keep things fresh and interesting for you?
Chris: definitely. nate and i are the only ones who have switched but its a switch we've always wanted to try and are enjoying. its called the old switcheroo.
PRT: You just released your second full-length "Prying Eyes" (congrats with the album by the way). Can you give me three good reasons why people should pick up the album?
Chris: thanks man! #1) marshall jcm 800. #2)Soldano avenger 100w. #3) Ampeg v-2
PRT: It's your first release on Bridge Nine... how's the new label working out for you?
Chris: Bridge 9 has always been great. from past projects up to prying eyes they've always supported us and we couldn't be happier. they made stickers for us recently and we love them for it.
PRT: You're leaving for Europe next week for what I think is your second tour here with Cruel Hand. What can people expect from your show? And what are you expecting of it?
Chris: people can expect a mosh pit, stage diving, head banging, sing alongers, spit, a short guy with a big head, a blonde dude with long hair, a drunk bassist in a pea coat, a jock wishing he had an energy drink, a dude with a mic yelling at the jock (we are a five piece this time), heavyness, tightness. i'm expecting to have a pretty good time. peeps were pretty receptive to Without a Pulse, hopefully they don't hate Prying Eyes.
PRT: From playing a show in New York with H2O, Bane and Energy one day to playing in Belgium with a bunch of other great bands a couple of days later, how weird is that?
Chris: not that weird really. i feel like i'm everywhere all the time and i like it that way. it would be weirder if we weren't doing it. it would be weird if you flew to my house just to do this interview. but if you did show up we have a couple couches.
PRT: Imagine you're putting together a show with unlimited resources, who would play? Where would it take place? ...?
Chris: Warzone, Oasis, Metallica, Queens of the Stone Age not in that order..yes, in that order, Warzone headlining in my back yard. anymore bands on this fantasy bill would make it a fest and deciding that would take days.
PRT: If there is one thing you would like to be remembered for when you stop playing in bands someday, what would it be?
Chris: i would like to be remembered as the guy who played guitar in some band that did some stuff for a while and then sang in that band that had that record on some label with those other guys who went on and did some things too.wait, what?
PRT: Any last words for our readers? And good luck with the new album and the European tour!
Chris: Thanks for the interview! i had a blast! whatchedgewears.blogspot.com h20 go! ya vegan kid! swamp thing rva! Wake Up Call lives! see you at the gig!