Album Reviews

Fuck Buttons is and will probably always be Andrew Hung and Benjamin John Power. Two dudes who not only have awesome last names but make equally awesome music. Dark and creepy yet poppy at the same time… it’s not give to many but these guys pull it off on “Slow Focus”.
The electronic slabs of noise this duo dish out haven’t changed drastically from the songs on predecessor “Tarot Sport” but did turn out even better. Is it because they produced the new album themselves? I don’t know and I can’t really think about it because the tribal drums and scary new wave synths of “Brainfreeze” are drowning everything else out. The songs on “Slow Focus”have a tendency to do that… they just wash over you, engulf you entirely and spit you out covered in cold sweat at the end. A song called “Stalker” will do that to you.
It’s too bad The Terminator already has a soundtrack because otherwise this album would’ve done the trick just fine.