Album Reviews

Heavier Than Heaven Lonelier Than God
Blacklisted – Heavier Than Heaven Lonelier Than God
Friday, June 13, 2008 - 00:00
submitted by

What the fuck happened? Was there like a secret convention where all the great hardcore bands gathered and decided 2008 was gonna be the year where they flooded the scene with one amazing album after the other? I mean, come on! We’re barely halfway there and I’ve already got enough albums to be fairly sure that it’s gonna be one helluva lengthy end of the year list! And thanks to Blacklisted I’ve got yet another title to add with “Heavier Than Heaven Lonelier Than God”.

Anyway, these guys have never stopped amazing me and seem to grow still with every release they put out. Which makes every new release their best work so far. Which is something every band says about their latest album but only in rare cases like Blacklisted’s is this actually true. This time around Kurt Ballou made it the band’s best-sounding album which probably doesn’t hurt things either. But it’s not just that… I love how everything sounds so damn gritty. Or how they don’t fuck around but get right to the point instead in under two minutes. Or how yes, this is as hardcore as it gets but then again, it’s more. Or how intense these guys sound. And damn, check out those vocals! They shred all the way yet somehow still have bits of melody in them.

Nuff said, if you’re into hardcore you need to own this!

Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.