Album Reviews
Common Existence

Thursday always sounds good no matter what day of the week you play ‘em on. This is a very bad joke but it was very true for 2001’s “Full Collapse”, a classic in the genre. It also rang true for 2003’s “War All The Time” and 2006’s “A City By The Light Divided”, even though that one was a tad bit less. Since then they’ve left Universal and signed with Epitaph where they’ve now just released their latest album, “Common Existence”. And guess what? It sounds great once again.
As soon as opener and first single “Resuscitation Of A Dead Man” bursts out of the speakers, you’ll once again be blown away by the sheer power of this band. They charge out of the gates with Geoff Rickly’s characteristic vocals, awesome riffage, a very strong sense of melody and urgency and some screams in all the right places. What is even cooler is that they manage to keep building up tension throughout the rest of the album up until closer “You Were The Cancer”, which happens to be one of the best songs on the album.
Yet another great album by one of the leading acts in the post-hardcore genre… go pick it up now. You won’t regret it!