Album Reviews

To Plant A Seed
We Came As Romans – To Plant A Seed
Friday, January 1, 2010 - 00:00
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Even though these guys have only been around since 2008, they’ve already got quite the setup. They inked a deal with Equal Vision after the release of one EP and are now already back with their first full-length, which sees them upping the ante on their songwriting skills. With two vocalists, one of which plays keyboards, two guitarists, a bassist and a drummer, there are plenty of things that can go wrong. Just ask Scary Kids Scaring Kids. However We Came As Romans manage to stay on course and actually managed to write a fun album in a genre that’s cramped for space. The mix between the grunts and the blatantly auto-tuned vocals works well and the intricate guitarwork doesn’t exactly hurt things either. Rather than wearing out the use of keyboards by always inserting them in the foreground, these guys let the keys play hide and seek in between the different songs. Another plus. It is all a little too much of the same and songs tend to blur after a while. All in all though “To Plant A Seed” is a very nice debut worthy of your time and money if you’re into acts like The Devil Wears Prada or one of those million other similar-sounding acts.

Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.