Album Reviews
Quiet & Calm

Graduation Speech is the solo project of Kevin Day, who you might know as the singer/guitarist for hugely underrated New Jersey outfit Aspiga. If you haven’t heard Aspiga before, do yourself a favor, check out 2014’s “What Happened To You?” and work your way back from there.
Anyway, “Quiet & Calm” is a pretty apt description of the six songs that make up this EP. Strip away the fuzz-laden, distorted guitars and thundering drums of an Aspiga song and… well, this is what you’d be left with. Six bare-boned songs that consist of nothing but Kevin’s vocals and an acoustic guitar. If that sounds boring, it isn’t. This is a sweet little release for fans of Bright Eyes and Matt Pryor’s solo work to swoon over.
Track listing:
- Waiting
- Chances
- Distractions
- Daydreams
- Aching
- Mending