Movie Reviews

Sugar Mountain wastes no time getting to the point. Brothers Miles (Drew Roy) and Liam (Shane Coffey) find their fishing boat, their only means of income, impounded. On top of that, Miles owes a local thug (Jason Momoa) even more money. In an effort to make all their financial troubles go away, they come up with a get-rich-quick scheme that involves Miles faking his disappearance in the Alaskan wilderness, then magically coming back and selling his story for a shitload of money. But of course things don’t work out quite the way the thought.
While the whole town works together to find Miles, the local sheriff (Cary Elwes) begins to suspect foul play, things get weird between Liam and Miles’ girlfriend, Lauren (Haley Webb) and so on and so forth. For some reason writer Abe Pogos keeps on complicating the plot up until the point it becomes a convoluted mess that ends in a rather ridiculous climax. But hey, at least the backdrop of the Alaskan wilderness makes for some pretty pictures.