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Anti-Flag have just announced a new acoustic album American Reckoning, set to be released on Spinefarm Records on September 28th.
American Reckoning strips down some of the band’s latest hits to get to the heart of the message. The album features acoustic versions of songs off of their last two albums, American Spring (2015) and American Fall (2017), as well as covers of some of the classics that inspired them. By arranging these songs together, American Reckoning functions as an account of one of the country’s most tumultuous political times told by some of music’s sharpest political minds.
"When you’re a band that has been together as long as Anti-Flag has you take nothing for granted. We have far exceeded any personal expectations we have had for the band, our art and the reach that it has had. This chapter of our band started with the hope of American Spring, the anger of American Fall and comes to cessation with American Reckoning...
This piece focuses on songs from both records (Spring/Fall) that we felt maintain their relevance, even in the distraction politic Donald Trump America, where issues and truth are distorted in a seconds time. We also wanted to provide insight into our influences that lead us to write the records, that’s where the covers come in. They are songs that people may not expect to be influential to Anti-Flag records but either in their messaging or sonics they were tremendously impactful to us as individuals and hence the song writing process.
We can not be knee jerk reactionary to a president that uses corporate media to endlessly lie, we created statements and art that we feel directly combat these tactics, American Reckoning has allowed us to revisit some of those previous statements and shine new light on them." - Anti-Flag
American Reckoning was recorded in Pittsburgh, PA, and mixed and mastered by long time Anti-Flag engineer Justin Francis. The album's artwork was designed by Doug Dean, who also did the artwork for both American Spring and American Fall.
Track listing:
- The Debate Is Over (If You Want It)
- Trouble Follows Me
- American Attraction
- When The Wall Falls
- Racists
- Set Yourself On Fire
- Brandenburg Gate
- Gimme Some Truth (John Lennon cover)
- For What It's Worth (Buffalo Springfield cover)
- Surrender (Cheap Trick cover)