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Masked Intruder III Punk Rock Theory
Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - 19:16
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Masked Intruder, the ski-mask clad, punk rock felons from Madison, Wisconsin have announced details surrounding their escape from prison and upcoming album "III", their third full-length and debut release on Pure Noise Records. They have also released the first single and music video for “No Case”, which can be seen here.

For the new album, the band – Intruder Blue, Intruder Green, Intruder Red and Intruder Yellow – recruited lead producer/engineer Roger Lima (who also plays bass in Less Than Jake) as well as co-producer Mike Kennerty (who plays guitar in some band called The All-American Rejects) and recorded the album at Lima's studio, The Moat House in Gainesville, Florida.        

“Our songs aren't just about the feelings and situations that they describe but they're supposed to hopefully help other people think about and reflect about their own situations,” Intruder Blue summarizes.

Whether it comes to stealing hearts or wallets, Masked Intruder have upped their game on Masked Intruder III and it seems as if even Officer Bradford can't hold them back, although we're sure he'll try.


Track listing:

  1. No Case
  2. Mine All Mine
  3. All of My Love
  4. Just So You Know
  5. I’m Free (At Last)
  6. Please Come Back To Me
  7. B & E
  8. Maybe Even
  9. Not Fair
  10. Stay With Me Tonight
  11. Dream a Little Dream
  12. I’ll Be Back Again Someday