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Brighter Than Before
States Of Nature Brighter Than Before Punk Rock Theory
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - 17:35
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Oakland, CA based States of Nature have announced a new full-length album, and an accompanying single. The album, titled Brighter Than Before, features 10 brand new songs, blending elements of post-hardcore, psych & garage, and straight up rock 'n roll.  The first single, "New Foundations", may have an uplifting dance punk vibe to it, but lyrically it is on the darker side.

As the band describes it "Lyrically the song takes a bleak look at the world around us. Raised in a post-9/11 world, the song observes the way paranoia shapes decision-making that is harmful and destructive. This directly ties to what's happening today homelessness and the housing crisis in California. There are policy decisions happening at state and local levels that intentionally make it harder to build new housing, also pushed by positions the public holds around conservation of city aesthetics and a complete misunderstanding of why people are on the streets in the first place."

The album is out on February 16th via Sell The Heart Records (U.S.) and Little Rocket Records (U.K.), and also available in a limited capacity in Italy via Epidemic Records.


Brighter Than Before track list:

  1. Brighter Than Before
  2. Wicked World
  3. Papered News
  4. Tides
  5. Undone
  6. New Foundations
  7. God With a Gun
  8. American Drone
  9. The Return
  10. Oh The Light