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New Ways Of Living
The Winter Passing New Ways Of Living Punk Rock Theory
Saturday, May 9, 2020 - 09:38
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Armed with a deluge of influences, from Sonic Youth, No Doubt and American Football to a collective fascination with film photography, Irish colloquialism and rural seaside towns Dublin’s The Winter Passing return with their second album – New Ways of Living.

Recorded at The Ranch with producer Neil Kennedy, the new material, a classic mix of midwestern emo influenced indie punk rock, focusses on killer melodies and the Flynn’s poetical outpourings centred around their experiences with loneliness, bullying, self-awareness, and Irish working class anxieties.


Track listing:

  1. Ghost Thing
  2. The Street and the Stranger
  3. Melt (ft. Stu Daly)
  4. New York
  5. Crybaby
  6. Greetings from Tipperary
  7. Resist
  8. Something to Come Home To
  9. I Want You
  10. Mind Yourself