Here's an email interview we did with Josh from BoySetsFire. It's as short as this intro. Kinda.
PRT: Who did you choose to call the new album simply “BoySetsFire”? More often than not self-titled albums hint at a shift in sound, but here it seems to be more you combining everything you have done up until this point into one powerhouse of an album.
Josh: Ha it was actually just a “hey we don’t have a self titled record yet-we should have one!” I do think that it is a snapshot of the best boysetsfire as far friendship and vision. So it is apropos!
PRT: You’ve said about the new album that it comes with more of a positive vibe, with lyrics about overcoming the wrongs in the world rather than lashing out at them. Would you say that stems from growing older and viewing things differently?
Josh: Speaking for myself I am tired of being “anti” and want to start seeing solutions- even though that can be much more complex and demanding. How easy is it say “fuck this or fuck that!” much harder to say “lets try this or that” – but much more rewarding.
PRT: Speaking of growing older, you’ve been a band for over two decades. What is it that keeps you going?
Josh: It is really fun! As you know we tried stopping and that just didn’t work. And now we do things on our own terms. Self managed (sorta) put out own records and tour with who and when we want.
PRT: Looking back on the whole Wind-Up debacle… what the hell were you thinking when you signed with a label that had bands like Creed and Evanescence on its roster?
Josh: I was thinking of health insurance for my kids. There were the only label to offer it- hey we made a mistake.
PRT: Your first album after the reunion was also your first album on your own label. Was that your way of making sure you wouldn’t end up in the same situation again as with Wind-Up?
Josh: Pretty much yes. We wanted absolute control.
PRT: A couple of months ago, you organized the Family First Fest in Köln. Did it meet or exceed your expectations?
Josh: Way beyond expectations. I am still totally blown away. In my head we are still knuckleheads from Delaware….
PRT: Do you have any idea how come you’re more popular in Europe than in the States where an act like Insane Clown Posse manages to pull off their own festival?
Josh: I really don’t know! Who can tell? Although we have been touring Europe for 20 years – maybe that helps?
PRT: Rage Against The Machine’s bassist recently apologized for inspiring Limp Bizkit. Do you have anything you’d like to apologize for?
Josh: Plenty but that’s personal!
PRT: You were recently on tour with Great Collapse and Silverstein. What is one thing you have managed to find out about them that they have managed to keep under wraps up until now?
Josh: Well Thomas from GC drinks – sometimes to excess! And Silverstein are great guys! One of our best tours ever!