
It's the most wonderful time of the year... no, not Christmas. Fest! We are talking about Fest... the punk rock extravaganza where people from all over the world take over Ybor City and watch bands, hang out with friends, drink, laugh and cry. And then do it all over again in Gainesville.
Anyway, we are kicking off this year's series of Fest-related interviews with the almighty Lillingtons. In case you have been living under a rock, the band will be releasing their first new album in over a decade on Oct 13. It's called "Stella Sapiente" (spoiler alert: it's really good). Listen to "Zodiac" while reading this interview with guitarist/vocalist Kody Templeman and get psyched.
PRT: What’s your favorite Fest memory?
Kody: Honestly, we’re usually not around long enough to check much out. I’d have to say my favorite part of fest is getting to hang out with all my friends in other bands. The last Fest Bottlerocket played was a blast. Got to hang with the Intruder guys and the dudes in Wonk Unit and Fraser from Murderburgers.
PRT: Most random thing to ever happen at Fest?
Kody: Bottlerocket was playing Fest and Tim from Lillingtons was getting into town when we were supposed to play. Halfway through our set I see him run into the pit take his shirt off and swing it around his head. I couldn’t sing cause I was laughing so hard.
PRT: Fest bands play house shows, parking lot shows and hotel room shows. What's the most outrageous place where you ever played a show?
Kody: We played a parking lot in Austin TX and we also played our friends wedding reception. Those were both kinda weird.
PRT: And on that same note… where would you never want to play?
Kody: A bathroom stall
PRT: Top three things that are part of your Fest survival kit?
Kody: Wet wipes, bottle opener and lots and lots of water
PRT: Best thing about Fest?
Kody: All the great bands
PRT: Name one thing Fest is missing?
Kody: Slayer
PRT: Best place to get something to eat and/or drink?
Kody: Boca Fiesta! The hot sauce is BRUTAL.
PRT: What should people do in Gainesville when not checking bands at Fest?
Kody: Wrestle Alligators.
PRT: Why should people come see your band out of the zillion other bands at Fest?
Kody: Cause we like to have a good time.
PRT: Next to a zillion bands, Fest wrestling is also a thing. If you would join them, what would be your wrestling nickname?
Kody: El Tsunami
PRT: What are some of the bands you are stoked about seeing yourself?
Kody: Shit, let me find the list…..Against Me!, Pegboy, Snapcase, Iron Reagan, Toys that kill, Iron Chic, Allout Helter, Banner Pilot, City Mouse, Make War, Murderburgers, Tilt wheel, Western Addiction, Slayer, and all my friends bands.