Album Reviews

Yes, The Adicts are that band that still likes to play dress-up even though they’re almost legally required to retire. And yes, they are that band with a Clockwork Orange fetish. I don’t think that will ever change… What has changed though is that they’ve gone with more of a glam sound this time around. Which you can pretty much already derive from the Mott The Hoople wink that is the album title.
They’re off to a familiar start though with some vintage Adicts in opener “Battlefield W1”. After that they slow things down to mid-tempo tunes and keep that up for the remaining 11 songs on the album. And while songs like “My Old Friend” are really good with the dual guitars battling it out before reconciling towards the end, some of the songs are well, kinda boring. They sound good enough but ultimately don’t pack enough energy to keep me interested.