Album Reviews

“Cellophane” is Richie Ramone’s second solo album and the nine songs on it fall between Ramones-y punk rock and the kind of rock ‘n roll you expect from a band playing in some dive bar where people come for the booze and not the music. You can’t say it’s bad, but it’s definitely not good.
Opening track “Braggadocio” misses the mark completely. It offers plenty of rock ‘n roll swagger, but it also makes very clear why Richie was the drummer in the Ramones and not the lead singer. “I Fix This” and “Pretty Poison” come closest to the Ramones sound, while the title track is pretty much an 80ies pop song that feels completely out of place crammed between “I Fix This” and “Your Worst Enemy”. Oh, they also covered “Enjoy The Silence”, because… you know, we really needed another version of this.
“Cellophane” does not feel very cohesive and the nine songs on it are - for the most part - average at best. And the vocals… well, calling them average would already be stretching the truth.