Album Reviews

Crazy Arm has already been doing their thing for a couple of years now. Next to the fully rocked out version of the band, they’ve also been going at it in acoustic fashion from time to time. With their rhythm section calling it a day a while ago, the rest of the band decided this would be the perfect time to record an acoustic album and that’s exactly what they did with “The Southern Wild”.
This band has never been one to confine themselves to just one genre and that has never been more clear than on “The Southern Wild”, an album filled with twangy tracks that opens strong with Vicky Butterfield’s performance on the eerie “Oh Death/Hell To Pay”. They continue to lean heavy on the folk and country side of the specter for the rest of the album with beautiful slow burners like “Fossils” and “The Valley Of The Weeping” alongside more rocking cuts such as “Remembrance” and “Black Canyon”. And they do it really, really well… somehow managing to incorporate everything they are known for in this acoustic format rather.
Hopefully Crazy Arm can pull off a The Bronx/Mariache El Bronx dual personality so that we don’t have to miss out on more solid tunes from either persona in the future!