Album Reviews

Distants LP Punk Rock Theory
Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:36
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At one point a Chicago band but now describing itself as having members who “live in various cities throughout the eastern Midwest”, Distants is a Midwestern punkrock band. They have been around since 2016, but are just now getting ready to unleash their debut full-length via Salinas Records later this month. What took them so long? Who knows. Punks. Amirite?

Over the course of 24 minutes, these guys dish out thirteen slabs of melodic emo-ish punk rock with gruff vocals. Just the way we like it. The recordings sound raw in the best of ways: the drums pack a nice live feel, the bass rumbles loudly and the guitars sound like Samiam mixed up with Iron Chic. Lyrically, the songs deal with loss, grief, ego, shit jobs and self-awareness. Or life as we call it. All very relatable and delivered in a way that is perfect for singing along. After all, misery loves company. Salinas Records’ owner Marco Reosti described the band as possessing the "classic Midwestern quality of sounding shiny and bright and gruff and dark all at the same time". Couldn’t agree more!


LP track listing:

  1. Great Lakes Paving Company
  2. Belly Up
  3. Jolly Good
  4. Family Recipe
  5. Luckily Empty
  6. Grinding
  7. Hurrier
  8. Shut Up Pt. 1
  9. Play Nice Pt. 2
  10. Mirror Years
  11. A Little Stitious
  12. Heuristic
  13. Plataued
Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.