Album Reviews

Holy Shit
Living With Lions - Holy Shit
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 00:00
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Living With Lions’ follow-up to “Make Your Mark” originally came with artwork referring to the bible as the poo testament and picturing Jesus as a turd. This sparked quite a bit of controversy in Canada with people criticizing the Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent On Recordings (FACTOR) for helping fund the album, causing Living With Lions not only to change their artwork but also to completely refund FACTOR and release the album as a non-FACTOR supported project. Freedom of speech? My ass! But it did get the band some extra publicity.

Anyhoo… “Holy Shit” is a fine poppunk album that in spite of the original artwork and album title does not say a helluva lot about religion, but all the more about girls. Think older Blink mixed in with a gruffer Rise Against vibe… the vocals are great thanks to new vocalist Stu Ross (formerly of Misery Signals), the guitars are loud and there’s plenty of catchy melodies to get hooked on.

We’ve already had quite a number of solid pop-punk releases this year (The Wonder Years, The Swellers,…). Feel free to add “Holy Shit” to that list!

Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.