Album Reviews

One of the best songs off of Self Defense Family’s album “Try Me” earlier this year was “Mistress Appears At Funeral” with guest vocals by Caroline Corrigan.
Apparently the guys in Self Defense Family thought so as well because they have now released an EP called “Duets”, featuring five… well, duets between Corrigan and vocalist Patrick Kindlon. The songs on here come with more of a folky feel yet they rival any other Self Defense Family song when it comes to intensity. Kindlon’s raspy vocals suit Corrigan’s mellow voice well, especially in a song like opening track “The Way Out Is Back”. Equally good are the grungy “Been Passed On”, the more upbeat “Location Scout” and “Incoming Calls”, which comes with Kindlon’s trademark hoarse yells.
These guys keep on surprising me with every release, making it a sport to throw you off balance yet never failing to convince you with their powerful songwriting.