Album Reviews

Never Disappear
Skyway Never Disappear Punk Rock Theory
Sunday, August 11, 2024 - 16:36
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Buffalo, NY pop-punks Skyway recently released their second EP, ‘Never Disappear,’ a collection of five songs that turned out to be right up my alley. Covering subjects such as overcoming obstacles, getting older and rekindling old friendships while paying tribute to MXPX and New Found Glory, Skyway has a knack for writing catchy and slick tunes that are as melodic as they are brimming with energy. Are these dadpunks reinventing the wheel on ‘Never Disappear’? Absolutely not. Nor do they intend to. But every single song on here is solid stuff with opener ‘Breakwall’ as my personal favorite. Kinda reminds me of PRT darlings AVEM (minus the lyrics about birds).

Fun piece of trivia: Before heading into the studio, the band wasn’t sure which songs to record. So they made a bunch of demos and shared these with friends and family, who then voted on their favorite songs, which led to the EP’s track list.


Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.