
Fucked Up share new single 'Divining Gods'
Fucked Up share new single 'Divining Gods'
Monday, July 15, 2024 - 18:49
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With their North American tour now in full swing, Toronto band Fucked Up have shared the third and final pre-release single from their forthcoming album 'Another Day', out August 9th on the band’s own imprint Fucked Up Records. Today they share raucous third single "Divining Gods", which questions the human desire to look upto someone. Vocalist Damian Abraham comments: “As with all the songs on Another Day having some sort of relationship with their counterpoint on One Day, Diving Gods is the continuance of the conversation started with “Nothing's Immortal”. While the first song dealt with loss in belief in an idol, Diving Gods is questions the need to make idols in the first place.

As religion has become less of a factor in our society, this spiritual void has been filled with the fanatical unquestioning worship of idols. And this isn’t just on the grandiose levels of cultural superstars, even in punk there is a tendency to build up our musical heroes to superhuman levels of grandeur. But humans putting others humans on pedestals rarely works out well.

People are going to fail us, as we are going to fail people. It is the human condition to not live up to expectations. Where does this leave the godless worshipers? New gods will be found and new churches built to them, only to one day be burnt again. The void is continually emptied and filled. It almost seems like there is a natural cyclical nature to things.”

