
PREMIERE: AVEM share new single 'Cloacal Kiss'
PREMIERE: AVEM share new single 'Cloacal Kiss'
Monday, March 20, 2023 - 07:24
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Canada punk rock outfit AVEM first made their way onto my radar through their split with Cobra and the Daggers and last year’s excellent debut full-length, ‘Three Birds Stoned.’ Think Teenage Bottlerocket, but with songs about birds. Today, we are premiering the band’s new single, ‘Cloacal Kiss’. It is the first single taken off their upcoming EP ‘Nerdin About Birdin,’ out April 3 on Mom’s Basement Records. The track sees these avid birdwatchers doubling down on the vocal harmonies, resulting in a pop punk gem with 60’s pop music stylings.

“’Cloacal Kiss’ is a heart wrenching song about the journey to meet your lover for some hanky panky, but arriving upon their dead corpse instead of their welcoming wings,” says the band’s Julian Warmland.

‘Nerdin About Birdin’ follows AVEM’s trend of mixing humourous with heavy subject matter. The rapid-fire tracks speak to addiction, climate change, sex, and loss, and find Avem truly coming into their own unique sound.

For the album art, AVEM commissioned a claymation set, and created a series of Claymation shorts to promote the upcoming record. You can Nerd About Bird with Rupert here.