Movie Reviews

From producer Luc Besson, comes a movie that should never have been made.
Newlyweds Scott (The Grey’s Frank Grillo) and Taylor (The Last Stand’s Jaimie Alexander) are on a trip in Marocco and are clearly not happy. He seems to be more married to his job than to his wife and she’s only after his money. She even brought her lover Travis along for the ride and together they are planning to kill hubby dearest. After a car chase through the desert, they all get mixed up in an accident along with a diamond smuggler called Omar, a young French woman named Audrey who has a baby and the mysterious stranger Saleh whose motorcycle has broken down in the vicinity.
From there on out, plot twists are heaped upon one another by screenplay writer and director David Marcone (Die Hard 4) with all the actors going completely over the top, which doesn’t exactly help speed things along. The characters all seem to have a hidden agenda but I couldn’t care less about any of them, let alone their story.
At least the scenery looks great I guess…