Movie Reviews

At the end of the second season of AMC’s The Walking Dead, Rick and his merry band of survivors were left to fend for themselves in the open. The third season begins with them finding a prison and turning it into a home. Things are finally looking up for them until they run into The Governor, a shady guy who runs the nearby town of Woodbury.
With most of the second season’s action being confined to Hershel’s farm, the two new locations in season three are a breath of fresh air and offer plenty of new storylines and a lot of possibilities for action sequences, both of which are very welcome. There are plenty of characters kicking the bucket, we get an advanced course in creative ways to kill a zombie and the return of several characters from season one is something I did not see coming. There’s also the introduction of fan-favorite character Michonne which is worth mentioning, even if we don’t learn particularly much about her just yet. There is a lot going this time around and compared to season two, this one definitely picks up the pace.
The blu-ray version comes with lots of bonus features including audio commentary on five episodes, six deleted scenes and a whopping total of eight featurettes that offer a lot of inside information about the series.