Album Reviews

Shit Present
Shit Present – Shit Present
Saturday, October 24, 2015 - 15:06
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We’ve all had ‘em. The ugly sweater your mother in law gave you for Christmas last year or that wine guide you got from a friend who apparently forgot you’re a beer-only kinda guy. Shit presents.

And now there’s Shit Present, Iona Cairns’ new project, which is a helluva lot more fun than the items listed above. You might (should!) know Iona from Great Cynics. Here, she has surrounded herself with current or former members of Gnarwolves, OK Pilot, The Computers and The Smith Street Band to bang out five tunes that are as punky as they are poppy.

“Kick Me” and “Evaporate” pack a wallop and are just a helluva lot of of fun to listen to as they bounce all over the place.  They bring the pace down on “Melbourne”, which has already become my favorite song on this EP and “Bury It”, which starts off slow before bursting wide open in yet another badass punk rock tune.

If you’re into any of the bands listed above, you should be able to enjoy the hell out of this self-titled EP!

Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.