Album Reviews

By now everybody knows that Danko Jones is a one trick rock ‘n roll pony. But it was a very good trick so who are we to complain? But than the Canadian brawler dropped “Never Too Loud” in 2008 and the love was instantly less. So the big questions is... can Danko Jones redeem himself with “Below The Belt”? Right from opener “Think Bad Thoughts” you know the answer to that question is a wholehearted yes. Gone is the all out flirting with the airwaves, it has made way again for some sweet sounds you can rock and roll to. And that’s even before you’ve heard the Kiss tribute that is “Active Volcanoes” or the überawesome riff of first single “Full Of Regret”. The rhythm section sounds tighter than ever, the production is all nice and krispy and Jones himself is his nasty self. Now all he needs are some new stage moves and he’ll be right back where he was before “Never Too Loud”.