Album Reviews

Well, the first Danko Jones DVD is a fact. It’s called “Bring On The Mountain” and it’s what the band calls the complete visual history. It’s so complete in fact, it comes on 2DVDs!
First up is a 90+ minute long documentary that goes into detail about the band’s history, showing them as the rock n roll lions that they are, sweating blood, fighting sleep and playing tunes that are never too loud. Next up is “The Ballad Of Danko Jones”, a short film based on the Below The Belt video trilogy, featuring Lemmy, Elijah Wood, Selma Blair, Mike Watt, Ralph ‘Karate Kid’ Macchio and a bunch of others. I imagine it was a lot of fun to make for the people involved but without the music, it’s actually pretty damn boring to watch.
Still haven’t had enough? Well, there’s still DVD number two which comes with 14 live shots filmed anywhere between 1996 and 2011 alongside 19 music videos.
Basically, if you are a Danko Jones fan (and who isn’t at least a little bit), you need to pick this one up!