Album Reviews

Stabbed In Back – Dasvadaniya
Saturday, April 18, 2015 - 13:51
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Not sure what a band from New Mexico has to do with Russia, but Stabbed In Back decided to call their new album “Dasvadaniya”. Hell, I don’t care… they could have called it “Fuck PunkRockTheory” and I still would have loved it. The last time I heard these guys was on an EP from a couple of years ago and while I still remember it being pretty sweet, it in no way compared to what they dish out this time around.

Stabbed In Back’s debut full-length is filled from start to finish with some kickass hardcore punk tunes that are energetic, catchy and soulful all at once. Songs like “Mrdrhmmr” and “” would fit perfectly on any Good Riddance album, the guitar lick that opens “Steady As She Goes” (not a Raconteurs cover) adds some nice rock n roll swagger to the song and the whoa oh oh’s in “Parasighting” make a great song even better.

Stabbed In Back ask a very legit question on opening track “Why Don’t You Dance” because if if these songs don’t get you moving, I honestly don’t know what will!

Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.